Yiyu Zhuang

Ph.D. Candidate

School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University

👋 Hi there!

I'm a computer vision researcher focusing on 3D vision.

When I'm not diving into research, you might find me:

  • 🧠 Brainstorming with collaborators and turning coffee into groundbreaking research
  • 🎮 Exploring latest 3D/VR/AR tech, or enjoying MOBA/FPS games
  • 🤖 Tinkering with small robotic projects
  • 🎨 Enjoying photography, music (singing & guitar), and swimming
  • 💭 Daydreaming on the couch...


I am a Ph.D. candidate at Nanjing University, working at the intersection of computer vision and computer graphics.
My research focuses on 3D reconstruction and generation, with particular emphasis on 3D avatar and 3D face modeling.
I have published multiple first-author papers in top-tier conferences.

Selected Publications

(* - equal contribution; # - corresponding author; ^ - project managers)

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